Your guide to saving money in Reims
The average student spends about € 21 a week on groceries alone, according to a survey made by UK based website ‘save the student’ (link?)
when asked whether or not they thought they could live on € 20 per week, a massive 60% of Sciences Po students said no, But is it possible?
Give this challenge a shot, just trying it will save you some money, even if you don't make the € 20 mark. Here is a day by day recap of one successful week on 20 euros - thanks to the kindness of friends and strangers
Day 1 Monday 21
First challenge: less coffee, also no breakfast - probably not the best saving option. by the time the clock struck 12 pm, my stomach was raging for food, . I was pretty tempted to go to the boulangerie across campus and get my usual breakfast which is 1 croissant (0.95) and one espresso (€1). It’s not really expensive but for the sake of this challenge, I will have to skip it.
After Class, I went to do my groceries with a 10 euro budget in mind here’s the breakdown of everything I got for the week.
- Potatoes (€0.99)
-Yogurt (€1)
-cheese (€1.06)
-Broccoli (€0.99)
Bear in mind, I did have some extra stuff at home like tomatoes, Oatmeal, Milk and Pasta
Total cost 8.20

For lunch, I had stuffed potatoes with beans topped with greek yogurt ( do not judge it until you try it ) And my dinner includes oatmeal with milk. Since it was Monday and I had an early morning class I decided to not go out today. But I had an amazing time eating my oatmeal and watching the show Friends on Netflix.
Day 2 Tuesday 22
Tuesday was going to be a long day, my classes began at 13 pm and ended at 19:30 pm, And I forgot to meal prep my food. So I was in a bit of a time constraint.
however, I grab some eggs, scrambled then and made a delicious gourmet egg sandwich alongside my usual 2 cups of coffee. And i made my way to my lecture
By 12 I was hungry and I knew this would destroy my budget but I decided to buy my lunch at the cafeteria, however when I got the line with my tray full of food , the lady of the cafeteria told me I couldn’t pay with credit card. I wanted to be swollen by the earth, but then an angel from heaven came to my rescue and offer to pay for my food. I offer to pay him back but he said I shouldn’t worry about it. So I got myself a nice plate of brown rice, fish, and salad. And that food gave me the energy I needed to make it to 4 more hours of class.
I had a little break around 5 pm and headed to the cafeteria where i score a free sandwich , little tip if you are at the cafeteria around that time there is a chance the lady from the cafeteria will give you a free sandwich, At 8 pm I finally got home, and my flatmate had made risotto and offer me some, And like that my confidence in this challenge was restored.
Day 3 Wednesday 23
I woke up motivated, I made some oatmeal with milk and my usual 2 cups of joe and checked for free events in the city. There was a party in bodega, so my plan for the night was set, leftover risotto would be lunch with more coffee and off to Sciences Po.
At the cafeteria reading for my next class and I ran into a friend who shared chocolate cake, - one of my happiest moments in the whole week. the Bodega that evening was packed with exchange students, the music was great and a friend let me have half of her punch, i took the bus home later without cash and crossed my fingers for the controllers not to catch me.

Day 4 Thursday 24
I woke up around 12 so no breakfast. I cook my usual bake potatoes with beans and cream and then I went for a run,I left for Berlin on Friday night, After packing, my friends decided to make some pasta for us, usually, I would bring a very fancy 3 euro bottle of wine, but they were okay with me just bringing my presence. Plus I offer to clean all the dishes listen to your mom when she tells you to clean the dishes this is how you make friends. By midnight I was back home and ready to go to Berlin

Day 5 Friday 25
The last day of this challenge and today was probably going to be the most difficult, I had a class at 17:30 and after that, a blablacar with Chantal, the nicest person I ever met to Paris, Bercy and then from there to gallieni and a bus to Berlin. The metro cost 1,90 and french man followed me inside the metro and approached me and kissed me on the cheek. He tried to go for another kiss but the metro arrived and I hopped in.

For my 18-hour bus to berlin, my neighbor on his way to Dusseldorf was a trader in the stock market, who had booked the bus for a last-minute emergency. I realized, on my way I would never reach Amsterdam in time for my connecting bus to Berlin. Jacob, my stock trader friend bought me a new bus ticket from Dusseldorf to Berlin.
I hop off the Bus with Jacob in Dusseldorf at 22h we say goodbye and I was alone in Dusseldorf until 12 which is when i was supposed to take my train.
The train left at midnight and it was a five-hour ride to Berlin. An apparently if you take a train at the late hours of 24h at night, you can be sure people are going to be drunk and partying, it was a disco inside the train with loud techno music and beer loads and loads of beer. I finally arrive at berlin at 5 am in the morning. Feeling excited and proud that I could make it through this challenge while only spending a total of 16 euros.
The world was my oyster and what I learn throughout this challenge is that people are inherently good, And don’t be afraid to ask for help people might surprise you.
Extra tips
Even though they might be further away the large supermarkets are often cheaper than the smaller ones, i was surprised to find the same milka chocolate bar in the small carrefour near my apartment at 2,60 and in a larger carrefour at 2,05.
If traveling is your thing I recommend visiting RyanAir website for discounts you can find plane tickets for as little as 9 euros. (beware of the luggage fee)
If you are staying in reims for another semester i recommend apartments over residences not only are the apartments cheaper but as long as you ask your flatmates will be kind enough to let you borrow food.
Isabella Macchiavello